Kamis, 11 Desember 2014

What Is ClearPath

Journey to a beautiful smile without train-track braces !
ClearPath introduces a USFDA APPROVED breakthrough technology which revolutionizes the way we treat malocclusions (straightening teeth). All you have to do is wear a series of clear wafer thin transparent removable aligners, which gently guide your teeth from their present to the desired position to give you the perfect smile you always desired!
Our mission is to deliver high quality, affordable,
clear orthodontic aligner solutions to the global market.
ClearPath provides new improved quality aligners through its unique proprietary process which provides a hygienic, convenient and a clear solution for the correction of malocclusion without having to wear brackets and wires.
ClearPath has successfully completed a number of clinical trial cases before introducing it for clinical use and these have proven to be highly successful in correction of a variety of malocclusions including mild & moderate cases. It was also awarded USFDA APPROVAL for the same. ClearPath was incorporated in USA in 2008 after over 8 years of Research & Development. Most of our staff members have over 8 years of experience in the field of clear orthodontics.
Sumber : http://clearpathdental.com/what_is_clear_path.php